Monroe Site-based GATE Program updated 2016-17

The outstanding learning environment at Monroe Elementary School encourages all students to strive for excellence. To support the learning needs of our Gifted and Talented and advanced learners, Monroe School identifies GATE students using the Santa Barbara Unified School District testing protocols starting in 2nd grade. Once students are identified, students are placed in a GATE "cluster" classes with well-trained teachers. Monroe teachers use the Sandra Kaplan model, using icons of depth and complexity, to engage and support students in their learning.

The goal of the GATE/Advanced Learning program at Monroe is to meet the academic, social, and emotional needs of all students who demonstrate high academic potential. Our objectives are to:

  • provide high-quality, ongoing professional development to all of our teachers to enhance our GATE curriculum and program;
  • provide options in delivering the curriculum in all areas that will encourage the development of higher level thinking skills and interests;
  • stimulate students to work beyond basic mastery and allow students to develop ideas of interest through self-designed and teacher guided projects.
  • include parents in helping shape the vision of our program

All teachers in grades 3-6 have received high-quality, on-going professional development in GATE. For the past 1 - 1/2 years, all teachers in grades 3-6 have attended GATE workshops, received district GATE training, and one-on-one coaching from our GATE coordinator. Monroe School offers a clustering model in grades 3-6 for students identified as intellectually gifted. Our GATE/Advanced Learners are re-grouped within the grade level for part of the instructional day for Language Arts and receive specially-designed instruction which provides a stimulating, creative, and accelerated atmosphere conducive to high achievement through exploring, challenging, and experimenting. Students in grades 3-6 who are academically talented, but not identified as intellectually gifted (GATE guests), can be included the GATE re-grouping. This allows for intellectual and social interaction with peers of similar interests and at similar levels of academic achievement.

Here are some new additions in our GATE program.

  • 3rd - 6th grade GATE and Advanced Learners participate in weekly STEM classes focusing on engineering and robotics concepts
  • Parents of GATE/Advanced Learners can participate in the GATE/Advanced Learner Parent Advisory Committee (GALPAC)
  • All teachers in grades 3-6 will have attended a California Association for the Gifted conference

In addition to our GATE Advanced Learner Program, Monroe School provides many additional enrichment opportunities throughout the year for GATE identified students as well as the whole student body. For example,

  • Computer, Art, and PE - All students participate weekly in each area and are taught by a certificated teacher.
  • Instrumental Music Program - Grade 4 plays the violin. Grades 5 and 6 play instruments of student choice.
  • Choral Music Program - Grades Transitional Kindergarten through Grade 3
  • Monroe Glee Club - Grades 3 through 6
  • Student Leadership - Student Council, grades 4, 5 and 6
  • Spelling Bee - Grades 4, 5 and 6
  • Math Super Bowl - Grades 4, 5 and 6
  • Author Go-Round - Grades 5
  • Battle of the Books - Grades 4, 5 and 6
  • Science Fair - Science exploration and presentation for all grade levels.
  • Cultural Arts - Storytelling residence, assemblies, and field trips that extend classroom learning in the sciences, social sciences, and arts.
  • Outdoor Education Program - Grade 6
  • After-school Enrichment Classes - A variety of classes in the areas of cooking, art, dance, cooking, photography, and engineering
  • Noon League Lunchtime Sports programs - co-ed flag football, basketball, soccer

Monroe School teachers meet regularly to assess the progress of GATE students, share ideas, and collaborate on strategies for challenging students. All teachers are aware of the differentiated needs of gifted students. Most have taken classes to increase their expertise in this area, and all teachers have been trained in the GATE icons, which are used in all areas of the curricula to stimulate critical thinking, classroom discussions, and a deeper understanding of the learning. In addition, over the years, teachers have attended conferences dedicated to professional development related to differentiated instruction for the gifted. Parents are encouraged to be partners in learning with volunteerism as an integral part of the school program. In fact this year Monroe has implemented a new GATE/Advanced Learning Parent Advisory Committee to support students and provide input and ideas to our program. If you'd like to help support our GATE/Advanced Learning program as a parent please contact, Brian Naughton at bnaughton@sbunified.org.

If you would like to arrange a visit to Monroe Elementary School for a school-wide tour, including class visitations, or would like to speak to the Principal, Brian Naughton, please call 966-7023 ext. 102 or email bnaughton@sbunified.org.