Parents Make a difference: In recent years every major study on this topic has concluded that parent's involvement has more influence on children's success in school than the quality of teachers, the school, or the money spent on education.
As parents of Monroe School, we want the best learning environment for our children. That is why PTA is so important – PTA is a tool for you to provide the very best education and school experience for your child and all our children.
Monroe Elementary PTA’s goal is to achieve this by providing Monroe children with a safe and invigorating environment with the hope of instilling the desire to be life-long learners and responsible citizens. And, of course, to have some fun along the way!
By all working together we can continue to bring programs to our school that wouldn’t otherwise be available: Science, PE, Computers, Art, Assemblies, Field Trips, Festivals, and much more!
PTA Resources
Meet your PTA Board Members!
Sign up for ParentSquare to get real time updates to events and school information
Attend the PTA Assembly meetings - meetings are held every other month on the second Tuesday of each month in the Monroe Library, childcare and interpretation are available.
Volunteer - Get involved and empower your child’s learning experience. We can’t do it without you!
Donate to the Mustangs' Annual Fund!
PTA Committee Guidelines
Earn Money for Money - Quick and easy ways to earn $ for the school!
PTA Membership
Why Join Monroe PTA? The number-one reason to join the Parent Teacher Association is to benefit your child. In doing so, you also help your school. But there are many more advantages. Here are just a few:
1. Get Connected. There’s no better way to know what’s happening in your school.
2. Discover Great Resources. The PTA offers a variety of programs designed for parents as well as students.
3. Tap into a Network. PTA functions provide opportunities to meet other parents and teachers, build rapport and discuss parenting issues that are on your mind.
4. Watch yourself Grow. By volunteering with your PTA, you gain valuable experiences and personal confidence. It’s an opportunity to put your skills and hobbies to good use for a good cause.
5. Speak Up. Because PTA is a forum for exchanging ideas, you are encouraged to make suggestions and more effectively suggest change at your child’s school.
6. Help Your Child Succeed. PTA fosters parent involvement. Parent involvement has been proven by three decades of research to be the greatest predictor of student success.
7. Witness Improvement. By getting involved at your child’s school you’ll be part of the solution.
Download the pdf file below to become a member of PTA or renew your annual membership!
PTA Membership
Why Join Monroe PTA? The number-one reason to join the Parent Teacher Association is to benefit your child. In doing so, you also help your school. But there are many more advantages. Here are just a few:
1. Get Connected. There’s no better way to know what’s happening in your school.
2. Discover Great Resources. The PTA offers a variety of programs designed for parents as well as students.
3. Tap into a Network. PTA functions provide opportunities to meet other parents and teachers, build rapport and discuss parenting issues that are on your mind.
4. Watch yourself Grow. By volunteering with your PTA, you gain valuable experiences and personal confidence. It’s an opportunity to put your skills and hobbies to good use for a good cause.
5. Speak Up. Because PTA is a forum for exchanging ideas, you are encouraged to make suggestions and more effectively suggest change at your child’s school.
6. Help Your Child Succeed. PTA fosters parent involvement. Parent involvement has been proven by three decades of research to be the greatest predictor of student success.
7. Witness Improvement. By getting involved at your child’s school you’ll be part of the solution.
Download the pdf file below to become a member of PTA or renew your annual membership!
PTA Members
Please let Tina know if you are interested in joining us for any of the open positions listed below, we would love your help!
President: Tina Gislimberti
Executive VP: NA
Co-VP Programs: Danielle Aristizabal
Co-VP Programs:Tyler Tomblin
Co-VP Fundraising: Michelle Sabado
Co-VP Fundraising: OPEN
Co-VP Volunteers: Cricket Wood
Co-VP Volunteers: OPEN
Treasurer: Doug Fischer
Secretary: Margot Clark
Financial Secretary: OPEN
Historian: Ashley Nancarrow
Parliamentarian: Christine McLain
Co-VP Familias Latinas:Mary Jimenez
Co-VP Familias Latinas: OPEN
PTA Programs
A bulk of the money PTA raises goes toward enhancing curriculum to compliment and enrich the public education program at Monroe. This includes supporting specialist teachers in physical education, computers, and science. The PTA helps pay the salaries of these specialist instructors as well as for the supplies they use in their programs. Due to your support, we are able to offer these amazing programs to our students!
Physical Education: PE is an important part of our students' day. Our energetic coach leads students in innovative activities focusing on cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, balance, coordination, strength, endurance, and sports related skills. Monroe's State Physical Fitness Test scores are at the top for of the Santa Barbara School District. Each class at Monroe has the chance to get out and work on building healthy bodies with the PE specialist. Students also train on Monroe's own state-of-the-art obstacle course!
Computers: Monroe is fortunate to have a brand new computer lab with a full set of computers. The lab can accommodate a full class with a computer for each student. Every class at Monroe regularly works in the computer lab where all students have an opportunity to learn keyboarding, mouse control, math and word processing programs, and use the Internet to safely connect to the wonders of the world.
Science: Monroe is fortunate to have a dedicated science lab at our school. The lab is fully equipped with amazing science tools from beakers to microscopes. The PTA supports science education and helps fund our Science Specialist who brings the excitement of discovery and hands-on exploration to our students.
The PTA provides volunteers and raises money to support student enrichment activities such as: student assemblies, gardening, Reflections, and Field Trips.
Student Assemblies
The PTA raises money to provide nearly all special student assemblies. Past PTA funded assemblies have included speakers and performers such as Michael Katz, The Perfect Gentlemen and other performers from around the world.
Monroe is fortunate to have several garden boxes on the campus. The PTA funds small gardening projects, which allow students to experience and apply many of the skills they are learning in the classroom to the real world. Through cultivating and caring for the butterfly garden students can watch biology in action first hand. In the vegetable gardens students can get a taste not only for a new food, but for the process of producing and growing their own food as well.
The National PTA Reflections Program is an arts recognition and achievement program for students. The Reflections Program provides opportunities for all students to express themselves creatively and to receive positive recognition for original works of art inspired by a pre-selected theme, while increasing community awareness on the importance of the arts. Monroe has had students advance all the way to the State Level on several occasions! The 2015 theme for Reflections is Let Your Imagination Take Fly!
Math Super Bowl
Each year Monroe School sends a 4th, 5th and 6th grade team to the County Education Office's Math Super Bowl. Students, with the help of volunteer parent coaches, start preparing for the Math Super Bowl in September, and work throughout the year to practice for the May event. Each participating school selects its top 4 math students in grades 4, 5 and 6. This team of 12 students represents its school at the event. All team members receive a certificate recognizing their accomplishment in being chosen to represent their school. The PTA helps organize parent volunteers, pays the entrance fees for the students, provides t-shirts and sponsors the celebration party after the event.
Science Night
Coupled with the Science Fair, Science Night is a fun-filled evening of exploration and learning. Scientists from around the Santa Barbara Area, from a variety of disciplines, set up exhibits and hands-on fun for kids and parents alike. Get up-close and personal with a sea slug, gaze at the stars through a telescope or discover the amazing world of the nano! And don't forget to check out the amazing projects of our own Monroe Elementary student scientists!
Community Building and Family Fun
Our PTA is committed to supporting families and building a sense of community here at Monroe.
Fall Festival
Fun for the whole family and a great way to get to know other Monroe families! This school wide event is organized by a collaboration of teachers and PTA parents. Traditionally it has a Halloween theme- complete with a haunted house. Costumes are definitely encouraged! Invite friends, relatives and neighbors to join in the fun. We fill the playground with game booths for the kids, a cakewalk, and serve incredible food prepared and donated by Monroe families. Game tickets can be purchased at the event or you can purchase a bracelet for unlimited fun! All proceeds go to the Monroe General fund for programs, supplies and support!
The annual Monroe Kermes is a festival of food and fellowship. Families bring traditional Latin American food and sell it (sometimes in a friendly spirit of competition to see who makes the best food). There are piñatas, music and performances by local dance companies. This type of event is traditional in many parts of Mexico, but also many other countries and can be enjoyed by all! There is no entrance fee and all proceeds go to the Monroe General fund for programs, supplies and support!
Walk & Roll to School Days/Affordable Helmet Program
Twice a year we partner with Safe Routes to School to encourage environmental awareness and physical fitness by finding alternatives to using our cars to get to school. Water and certificates are handed out to those who participate. In the spring we coordinate the day with the Santa Barbara County Public Health Office’s Bike helmet program. It is a great opportunity to get helmets at an affordable price and have them fitted on the spot by a trained professional!
Book Exchange
Students have an opportunity in the spring to bring books from home that they have read and exchange them for something new to read. This fun event encourages the students to read and recycle at the same time!
Green Party Supplies
The Monroe School PTA helps Monroe School be as environmentally friendly as possible and reduce waste by purchasing reusable plates, cups, and utensils for each classroom that can be used over and over again for class parties and events. Preserve Products tableware is made out of 100% recycled, BPA and melamine free plastic.
Bring Your Family to School Day
Parents, grandparents and other family members are always welcome to help at school, but Bring Your Family to School Day is a special opportunity for your child to share their school with you. Join them for a piece of their day at school, and experience a bit of this important part of their life. Opportunities include special projects and activities during class time or having breakfast or lunch with your child.
Family Restaurant Nights
Throughout the year we organize a Monroe gathering at local family-friendly restaurants. This is a fun way to get out of the house and connect with other Monroe families!
Monroe Beautification & Adopt-a-Spot Gardening
Monroe PTA teams up with Santa Barbara United Way who organizes community volunteers to help out with school fix-it projects, gardening and more on Monroe Beautification Day. Also, each year families adopt an area on campus that they spruce up and maintain during the year. Thank you to everyone foe helping keep Monroe so beautiful!
Teacher and Staff Appreciation Days
As a token of thanks toward the end of the school year we organize an amazing luncheon and breakfast for all the teachers and staff of Monroe who have given so much to our children throughout the year.
End of the Year BASH!
At the end of the school year we organize a party at a local park or beach to welcome summer and say farewell to our friends from school. This is a casual, fun way for the whole family to connect with Monroe friends before we all skip into summe
PTA Volunteering
Monroe School has many ways that parents can get involved. Some take just minutes a month; others offer opportunities for greater involvement. The important thing is to:
- Find the level of involvement that works for you
- Find the opportunities that are a good match for your schedule, talents and interests; and
- Volunteer!
Not sure what would be best for you? That's what PTA is for! Contact anyone on the PTA Board and they will help you find the perfect fit!
Still not convinced? Check out this great article about how volunteering will help your child do better in school. Or this article filled with suggestions for ways to do it!
Please see attached document entitled Volunteers 2015-2015 that describes what are the needs, approximately how much time is involved and a description of the task. In all of these areas the PTA board members will work with you to ensure you have your questions answered and we are always here for support. Thanks for your consideration!
PTA Fundraising
The Monroe School Parent Teacher Association will spend $60,000 this year towards our children’s education. With the help of Monroe families and local businesses, each year Monroe PTA raises the funds to provide the wonderful programs which benefit your child including instruction from our highly qualified P.E., computer lab and science specialists. The PTA also helps to fund and organize enriching assemblies, fieldtrips and countless other programs. Our major fundraisers are:
The Annual Fund - GOAL: $16,000
This fundraiser is the best bang for your buck; 100% of your money goes directly to our school! Each fall the Monroe School Parent Teacher Association asks parents for donations to ensure that enough money is available to offer our children the very best education and elementary experience they can get. Our goal for the Annual Fund is to raise $17,000 by the end of the year and 80% of it by November 30.
JOG-A-THON - Spring GOAL: $12,000
This fun event is our healthiest and best student powered fundraiser. It is an opportunity for students to make a huge contribution to their school. Everyone is encouraged to participate and collect pledges from neighbors, relatives, friends and the community in support of Monroe. People can make outright donations, or pledge per lap, either way the kids are the ones earning the money for their school. Monroe gets 100% of what each student collects. Students spend a month practicing and getting in shape during their PE time for this fun filled event.
AUCTION EVENT - Every Other Year Spring GOAL: (TBD)
Our goal is to have a silent and live auction major fundraising event every other year. Historically we have had a silent and live auction off-campus one year and then on-campus the next year. It has always been a fun event for parents and staff to spend time socially while helping to raise money for the students. If you are interested in helping plan this event for next year, please contact one of the PTA Boardmembers.
Raffle – GOAL $3000
There are two raffles during the school year that are key to raising funds for the school. Please help by selling as many raffle tickets as possible.
PTA Forms
General Forms
PTA Membership - become a member today!
Volunteer Opportunities - sign up to help!
Click on the pdf files below.
Finance Forms
Request for Reimbursement - Request to be paid back for purchases made on behalf of Monroe Elementary PTA
Cash Verification - Turning in money from an event or fundraiser